I am a certified Missing Animal Response (MAR) Technician. I have given lost pet recovery consultations on hundreds of lost pet cases nationally, held the volunteer position with Missing Pet Partnership as the Lost Pet
Consultant Manager and Trainer. I have coordinated and conducted physical searches for both dogs and cats. Although I do not have use a tracking dog to locate missing dogs, I am skilled in the recovery of dogs others deem hard to capture. I actively volunteer in my community to safely capture dogs that appear to be strays, my goal is to get them to safety and help them find their home.
I am honored to have as my lost cat search partner my dog, Rita May. She was certified by Missing Pet Partnership as a Cat Detection Dog in June 2012. Although the Cat Detection Dog almost always locates some cats on a search, it is unusual for the dog to directly find the cat we are seeking. This doesn't mean the cat wasn't there, necessarily, because the Cat Detection Dog may dislodge it from it's hiding place just by approaching the area.
About a quarter of the time the cat will be located shortly after the search.